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Take This Presentation Skills Assessment

Discover Your Strengths And Weaknesses As A Speaker

Bill Cole, MS, MA
Founder and CEO
William B. Cole Consultants
Silicon Valley, Californi

Mental Game Coach Bill Cole Peak Performance Playbook

Do you know how your audiences perceive you as a speaker? What do they like about you? What about your presentation skills and style annoys them? Can you get in the performance zone every time, or do you struggle with stage fright and nerves? Do you give consistently solid performances, or are you erratic? Perhaps you have stress, practice, mental, staging, readiness, voice, technique, mannerism, writing or organizational issues that negatively affect your presentations. Take this quick 68-item assessment and discover what's holding you back from reaching your full platform potential.    788 words.

This assessment is meant to quickly provide you with the big picture in your presentation skills. It will help you begin to identify your strong points as a speaker, reveal your needed development areas and provide a focus for our first coaching session. It will also serve as a launching point for understanding how the presentation coaching process will unfold. I believe that presentation training begins the moment you begin completing this assessment. Understanding how presentations work, becoming aware of possibilities, knowing yourself, seeing the big picture, and expanding and sharpening your mental game toolkit as a speaker all begin now.

If you've hired me as your presentation coach, please email this back to me before our first coaching session. You may also use this form for your self-analysis, to begin working on your speaking skills.

Here's how to complete the following 68-item Presentation Skills Assessment.

1. Review this list of presentation topics and mark the number ONE in the space provided next to the items that seem MOST important and URGENT to you to be WORKED ON FIRST.

2. Mark the number TWO next to those that seem NEXT most important to work on.

3. Mark the number THREE next to those that seem to be in the THIRD TIER of importance.

4. Make NO MARK next to those which DON'T seem to be important now, or at all, or which DO NOT APPLY to you.

5. Place a QUESTION MARK next to those with which you are unfamiliar and would like clarification.

6. If there are any areas or concerns you would like to address NOT LISTED here, please write them in at the end of this form.

7. Please keep a copy for your own files. I have found that our repeated review of this assessment is quite helpful in allowing you to continue to see new presentation skills vistas. Here we go with the assessment.

Presentation Skills Assessment

Which of these 68 presentation issues would you like to know more about, get under control and master? Which ones are holding you back from reaching your full speaking potential?

  1. ___ Stop Choking, Panicking, Nerves And Stage Fright
  2. ___ Improve Confidence
  3. ___ Better Mental Toughness
  4. ___ Handle Mistakes Better
  5. ___ Performance Consistency
  6. ___ Remove A Self-Critical Attitude
  7. ___ Reduce Frustration, Fears, Or Worries
  8. ___ Fix A Negative Attitude
  9. ___ Remove Mental Blocks
  10. ___ Deal With Hecklers
  11. ___ Deal With Slumps, Brown-Out And Burnout
  12. ___ Improve Motivation
  13. ___ Get Into The Zone
  14. ___ Deal With Negative And Hostile Participants
  15. ___ Pre-Speech Mental Preparation
  16. ___ Goal Setting
  17. ___ Concentration
  18. ___ Stress Management
  19. ___ Control Energy Levels
  20. ___ Mental Stamina
  21. ___ Fix The "I Perform Well In Practice, But Not In The Presentation" Syndrome
  22. ___ Improve Practice Efficiency And Effectiveness
  23. ___ Stay Relaxed And Focused Under Pressure
  24. ___ Reduce Self-Consciousness And Shyness
  25. ___ Self-Coaching Skills
  26. ___ Reduce Self-Sabotage
  27. ___ Minimize Perfectionism
  28. ___ Stop Procrastination
  29. ___ Deal Effectively With The Media
  30. ___ Visualization And Mental Rehearsal
  31. ___ Better Positive Thinking
  32. ___ Present "On The Road" Better
  33. ___ Overcome The Fear Of Failure
  34. ___ Overcome The Fear Of Success
  35. ___ Audience Analysis
  36. ___ Room And Stage Set Up
  37. ___ Audio-Visual Factors
  38. ___ Handouts And Other Audience Materials
  39. ___ Question And Answer Sessions
  40. ___ Speech Title Selection
  41. ___ Speech Research
  42. ___ Speech Organization
  43. ___ Speech Writing
  44. ___ Audience Rapport And Connection
  45. ___ Props And Costumes
  46. ___ Speaker Notes And Memory Tricks
  47. ___ Presentation Timing And Planning
  48. ___ Speaker Introduction
  49. ___ Speech Opening
  50. ___ Speaker Credibility
  51. ___ Speaker Authenticity
  52. ___ Adult Learning Strategies
  53. ___ Body Language
  54. ___ Eye Contact
  55. ___ Humor, Stories, Music And Magic
  56. ___ Pacing And White Space
  57. ___ Audience Involvement Exercises
  58. ___ Vocal Variation, Volume And Tone
  59. ___ Pronunciation
  60. ___ Understandability
  61. ___ Accent Reduction
  62. ___ Audience Memory And Organization Devices
  63. ___ Enthusiasm, Passion And Involvement
  64. ___ Persuasiveness And Salesmanship
  65. ___ Contingency And Emergency Plans
  66. ___ Content Transfer Issues
  67. ___ Content And Entertainment Mix
  68. ___ Strong Closing

If there are any other presentation issues that come up for you prior to your first presentation skills coaching session, please write them down so they can be addressed. This is a fascinating, fulfilling journey you are about to embark upon, one which will have far-reaching effects on your career and on your life.

To learn more about how presentation coaching can help you become a better, more confident speaker, visit Bill Cole, MS, MA, the Mental Game Coach™ at 

Bill Cole, MS, MA, a leading authority on peak performance, mental toughness and coaching, is founder and CEO of William B. Cole Consultants, a consulting firm that helps organizations and professionals achieve more success in business, life and sports. He is also the Founder and President of the International Mental Game Coaching Association (www.mentalgamecoaching.com), an organization dedicated to advancing the research, development, professionalism and growth of mental game coaching worldwide. He is a multiple Hall-Of-Fame honoree as an athlete, coach and school alumnus, an award-winning scholar-athlete, published book author and articles author, and has coached at the highest levels of major-league pro sports, big-time college athletics and corporate America. For a free, extensive article archive, or for questions and comments visit him at www.MentalGameCoach.com.

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